
Connecting people to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.



Connecting people to a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.

Faith Kids Logo Website


Our desire at Faith Church is to provide excellent children’s programs in a safe, secure environment. We want kids to learn about God’s Word and have an enjoyable time while doing it. Through worship, interactive lessons and fun games, kids experience God in a way that is designed just for them. Nursery, Pre-School, and Elementary-age children's ministries are available each week during our 10:00 AM Sunday services. Check-in begins at 9:45 AM.



Faith Student Ministries offers a weekly get-together for teenagers in 6th-12th grade on Wednesday nights at 6:30 PM in the Student Ministry Center. These nights are opportunities for teens to spend time with their friends, have conversations about God and the Bible, and ask questions. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @perufsm!

Facebook: @perufsm

Instagram: @perufsm


Life Groups

We believe a solid, growing church is built on a foundation of healthy relationships. Being a part of a network of good friends provides us with strength, confidence, and joy. Few things in life bring such fulfillment as being positively connected with other people. Life Groups meet at different times and locations throughout the week. See our Sunday bulletin or contact the church office for information about groups that are currently meeting.

Copy of CR Logo for Website

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a faith-based, twelve-step program for anyone who wants to achieve long-lasting recovery from their hurts, hangups, or habits. Celebrate Recovery meets every Wednesday night from 6:30 - 8:30 PM at Faith Church (Enter through the East Entrance). Follow the Celebrate Recovery of LaSalle/Peru Facebook page for more information on the program, dates, and special events.

Facebook: @CelebrateRecoveryLaSallePeru


Spanish Service

Sunday Spanish Service at 10:00 AM in the Chapel.

Hector Valle, Spanish Ministry Pastor

Contact Information: 815-915-6539

PADS Logo for Website


Faith Church provides the evening meal for our local homeless shelter on the third Monday of each month. If you are able to bring part of a meal and/or serve in person, click the link below to sign up.